Workshop / Narratives of Displacement and Home
Erasmus Agreement with Rome Tre University
Faik Kurtulmuş has received the Brian Barry Price
New Minor Programs by FASS
Our faculty member Mert Moral receives the Academic Owl Award
Grant Support from the European Commission for Adıgüzel's Project
Grad. School of Social Sciences 2024-2025 Application Deadline:June7
ISA Conference
Our MA Student Sinem Taştan joined Cambridge University workshop
Graduate School of Social Sciences 2024-2025 Fall Semester Applications
Banu Turnaoğlu received the Kadir Has Promising Scientist Award
Our Faculty Member Senem Aydın-Düzgit's Success
Antalya Diplomacy Forum
"Pierre Keller Visiting Professorship in European Studies" chair
Our PhD Candidate Ali Baydarol's Success
Dahrendorf Programmes
TÜBİTAK 3501 - Career Development Program Support to Dr. Nihat Muğurtay
Republicanism Workshop
Sabancı - Dahrendorf Conference
German Politics Special Issue Workshop
Our MA Student Sinem Taştan's Presentation
Berk Esen has been elected to the Executive Committee of the IPSA
Senem Aydın Düzgit has been named a Richard von Weizsacker Fellow
EXPRESS2 - Specify and Protect the EU Social Contract
New Project-EU Values by Meltem Müftüler - Baç
Our Political Science PhD student Samet Apaydın at Sciences Po, Paris
Our Graduate Nihat Muğurtay at the EUIA Conference
Our PhD Student Yasemin Tosun's Success
Graduate School of Social Sciences 2023-2024 Fall Semester Applications
Political Science Seminar: Kerim Can Kavaklı (Bocconi University)
Our Faculty Member Faik Kurtulmuş's Success
2022 Teaching Awards @FASS
FASS Visiting PhD researchers / students
Our Faculty Member Prof. Senem Aydın Düzgit's Success
H2020 Project-Engage Meeting
Meltem Mütfüler-Baç, ESSCA International Advisory Board membership
GSS 2021-2022 Spring Term Thesis Defenses
Graduate School of Social Sciences 2022-2023 Fall Interview Dates
FASS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Cambridge University
2022 Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards have been Announced
Özgür Proje
The Launch of the Computational Social Science lab at FASS
Mert Moral publishes his work in Political Analysis
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022
Sabancı Üniversitesi disiplinlerarası duvarları yıkmasıyla beni etkiledi
Graduate School of Social Sciences 2022-2023 Fall Semester Applications
Ersin Kalaycıoğlu'nun Yeni Kitabı
Sabri Sayarı elected as the President of the TPSA
TUBITAK 1001 - Project Support to FASS Members
Ayşe Betül Çelik received Official of Order of the Star of Italy in 2021
Yasemin Tosun awarded TUBITAK International Research Fellowship for PhD
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021
Graduate School of Social Sciences 2020-2021 Spring Term Thesis Defenses
Graduate School of Social Sciences Written Exam and Interview Schedule
Political Science Graduate Program Introductory Webinar
Graduate Programs Introductory Webinar - Dean's Talk
ÖZGÜR PROJE - Application Deadline: April 24, 2021
Graduate School of Social Sciences 2021-2022 Fall Semester Applications
Our Graduate Aylin Aydın-Çakır is at Vrije University Amsterdam
Our Graduates have been appointed as Faculty Members
Consent,Construction,Conquest: The Options and The Choices of Bayezid II
TÜBA-GEBİP Award to our faculty members Mert Moral and M. Oğuz Afacan
ÖZGÜR Project students will present their research
Scholarship to Political Science Ph.D. candidate Merve Ateş Eren
Sabancı Üniversitesi "Sosyal Bilimler"de Türkiye'den Birinci Sırada
Senem Aydın-Düzgit at "Young Academy of Europe" Executive Board
SSBF Ufuk 2020 Projesine Avrupa Komisyonundan Hibe Desteği
2021 Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards
Prof. Meltem Müftüler-Baç's interview on Hürriyet Daily News
Political Science and International Relations B.A. Program Webinar
Appointment of FASS Dean Prof. Meltem Müftüler-Baç
The merger of two programs:Political Science and International Relations
Political Science Graduate Programs 2020-2021 Fall Semester Applications
Senem Aydın-Düzgit admitted as a Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe
UPENN-Sabancı Joint Teaching Activities and Study Visits
Sabri Sayarı's New Book
FASS Faculty Member Fuat Keyman's New Book
FASS Faculty Member Senem Aydın Düzgit's New Book
FASS Faculty Member Meltem Muftuler-Bac's New Book
Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards 2020
2019-2020 Conference Travel Grants for FASS graduate students
"Sabancı Üniversitesi Tanıtım Günleri" Bugün Başlıyor
FASS launches two new Minor Programs in 2019-2020
Joint Undergraduate Course with the University of Pennsylvania, FASS
2019 Mezuniyet Günleri Programı
Conference Participation of Melike A. Kocacik Senol (POLS Ph.D. Student)
Panel on Challenges on Global Governance and Multilateralism
Turkish Studies M.A. program has renewed its curriculum and requirements
Do not miss the ALUMNI PANELS on April, 17th
Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards Were Given
Young Scientist Award 2019 (BAGEP) to FASS Faculty Members
MAJOR FEST 2019 Pre-registration is now open
The Conference at Sakıp Sabancı Center for Turkish Studies
Viaduct Week
Viaduct PhD Workshop
SSBF Course: POLS 504 Turkish Social and Political Thought
Graduate School of Social Sciences 2019-2020 Fall Semester Applications
Sabancı University is the only Turkish university in the top 400 of THE
2018-2019 Conference Travel Grants for FASS graduate students
Senem Aydın Düzgit's New Project: EU-IDEA
SU Tanıtım Günleri
FASS Faculty Member Meltem Müftüler-Baç's new H2020 projects
Uluslararası Çalışmalar Araştırma Görevlisi Bilim Sınavı Sonuçları
Commencement 2018
İnci Gümüş and Mert Moral receive Young Scientist Award 2018 (BAGEP)
POLS PhD students Faruk Aksoy & Melike Ayşe Kocacık Şenol at ECPR
New book: Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City
ÖZGÜR PROJE - Application deadline: April 24, 2018
New book: Party Politics in Turkey
Grad. School of Social Sciences - Thesis Defenses in March 2018
Graduate School of Social Sciences Program Applications for 2018-2019
A new book by Senem Aydın-Düzgit
A new book by İpek Demirsu (POLS PhD'15 & FASS Post-doctoral Researcher)
2017-2018 Conference Travel Grants for FASS graduate students
New European Union project at FASS: VIADUCT
Meltem Müftüler-Baç ve Bülent Aras Google Akademik listesinde ilk dörtte
Conference participation by Bekir İlhan (Political Science M.A. Student)
Political Science PhD Students Receives Visiting Scholars
Graduate School of Social Sciences applications for 2017-2018
Damla Cihangir-Tetik's Conference Participation and Presentation
SSBF'den 2 projeye TÜBİTAK Desteği
Dicle Kogacioglu Article Award 1st Prize goes to FASS PhD student
Yasin Duman's book: Rojava: Bir Demokratik Özerklik Deneyimi
Acting President Ayşe Kadıoğlu met parents on "Family and Education Day"
Conference participations by Bengi Ruken Cengiz (POLS PhD Candidate)
2016-2017 Travel Grants for FASS Graduate Students
HIST 245: Men, Ships, and the Sea continues with new instructor
New Course: SPS 384 - Global Climate Change and Environment Politics
I-POST wins the "Golden Owl Award"
We ranked 13th in QS EECA
Sabancı Üniversitesinde mezuniyet coşkusu
Sakip Sabancı Chair and Center for Turkish Studies at Columbia Uni.
FASS Graduate Students' Conference Participation
Conference participation of POLS PhD students
2016-2017 Fall applications to Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Politika Kulübü ve İPM'den Politika ve Medya Zirvesi
Pols MA student Aslı Unan's conference participation
FASS Search Conference was held on January 28, 2016
Political Finance and Transparency Report was published
2016 United Nations Boot Camp
6. Dicle Koğacıoğlu ödülleri sahiplerini buldu.
2016 Travel Grants for FASS Graduate Students
CEU/HESP Visiting Fellowship
Ayşe Betül Çelik is promoted to full professor...
Sabancı University ranks 22nd on THE - BRICS 2016
Sabancı University is in the "QS Top Universities Under 50" rankings
TUBITAK grant to Meltem Muftuler-Bac
QS EECA sıralamasında 14. sıradayız!
Achievement by FASS Faculty Member Arzu Kıbrıs
New Centers In Turkey: Economy, Education, Arts And Peace In Cities
We are among the top 450 universities worldwide!
Müslüman Olmak Alman Kalmak:Yeni Avrupa da Millet, Din ve Din Değiştirme
Damla Cihangir-Tetik was accepted to 2015-2016 Global Relations Forum
Damla Cihangir-Tetik participated 'Young Researchers Workshop'
Sabancı Üniversitesi Dünya Çapında Başarılarını Sürdürüyor
2015 Graduation Class Commencement Days
Özge Kemahlıoğlu - BAGEB Award Ceremony
We are among the top 100! - Times Higher Education(2015)
Özge Kemahlıoğlu - 2015 BAGEB Award
Political Science PhD student Ieva Vezbergaite's Conference Particip.
Polical Science PhD Student İpek Demirsu’s conference participation
Graduate School of Social Sciences Graduate Programs Fall Applications
Özgür Proje 2015 Applications Started
Toplumsal ve Siyasal Bilimler Araştırma Görevlisi Bilim Sınavı Sonucu
2015 Travel Grants for FASS Graduate Students
Sabancı Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyeleri ve Araştırmacılarının Fark Yaratan
Times Higher Education BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings
Arzu Kıbrıs' New Project
New book from Işık Özel
Saygın Salgırlı Wins Major Ciepo Prize
Sabancı University is among the top 500 universities of the world
We are among the top 200 of the world universities
Korel Göymen's new appointment
FASS faculty members receive new grants from the European Commission
Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme by Hrant Dink Foundation
Political Science PhD students' conference participation
"Türkiye'de ve Dünyada Milliyetçilik" raporu sonuçları açıklandı
2014 Travel Grants for FASS Graduate Students
A new non-thesis MA program from FASS: International Relations
2. Sosyal Bilimler Doktora Öğrencileri Çalıştayı
Call for papers: ISC 2014
2013 Recipients of FASS Teaching Awards
Call for Papers: Gendered Memories of War & Political Violence
FASS Graduate Orientation Day - September 19 Thursday
POLS MA student Hüseyin Arkın Raşit's conference participation
Political Science PhD program placement in 2013
POLS PhD student Ieva Vezbergaite's conference participation
POLS MA student Canan Bolel's conference participation
Political Science PhD student Gözde Yavuzs conference participation
Bahri Yılmaz's third Jean Monnet European Module
ES Students Büşra Çatır and Hazal İnce received Jean Monnet scholarship
Sabancı Üniversitesi 2013 Mezuniyet Töreni
POLS PhD İpek Demirsu was granted TÜBİTAK Research Scholarship
Interview and Exam Schedule for FASS Graduate Programs 2013-2014
Political Science Phd Students at 54th ISA Annual Convention
66 Young Diplomats from 66 ountries were on campus today...
European Studies Students Research Visit to the EU Institutions
Applications to Graduate School of Social Sciences for Fall 2013
Interview and exam schedule for 2013 – 2014 early applications to FASS
Meltem Müftüler-Baç to lead a Council of Europe Task Force
2013 Conference Travel Grants for FASS Graduate Students
Early applications to Graduate School of Social Sciences for Fall 2014
Dora Bakoyannis at our University
Condolences: Emir Gönel
Korel Göymen has been voted into Urban Transformation Commission chair
FASS and FENS collaboration at I-POST project on Twitter
2012 Recipients of FASS Teaching Awards
We are proud of our POLS PhD alumni Aylin Aydın’s accomplishments
Political Science M.A. Student Duygu Sonat presented her paper at ECPR
Thomas Vitiello's (Ph.D. Candidate) Success
New publication by POLS PhD Student Aybars Görgülü
2012- 2013 Fall FASS Graduate Program Applications
FASS is hosting The Prime Minister of Finland
Interview and Exam Schedule for FASS Graduate Programs 2012-2013
POLS Ph.D. Student Gül Arıkan Akdağ's Conference Participation
Applications for Global Politics Summer School Turkey have Started
Second Call for Applications to CEU - SU Joint Academic Initiative
The Launching of IS was an event to remember...
Exam & Interview Schedule for FASS Graduate Programs Early Applications
Political Science Ph.D. Student Doğu Durgun's Conference Participation
Conference Travel Grants for FASS Graduate Students
2012- 2013 Fall FASS Graduate Program Early Applications
2011 FASS Teaching Awards
Hasret Dikici Bilgin's academic career at Okan University
FASS Alumni Continuing Graduate Study Abroad
FASS students received the prestigious Jean Monnet Scholarship
POLS PhD student Hasret Dikici Bilgin's article is published
POLS PhD student Aybars Görgülü's publication
Interview and Exam Schedule for FASS Graduate Programs, 2011-2012 Fall
2011- 2012 Fall FASS Graduate Program Applications
University of Piraeus students' visit to our campus (March 21st, 2011)
POLS PhD student Gözde Yavuz published an article in Turkish Studies
Fass 2011-2012 Fall Graduate Programs Early Applications- Room Schedule
Turkish International Studies Association is now hosted at FASS
Cemil Koçak & Emeritus Prof.Şerif Mardin receive Turkish Writers.....
FASS Graduate Programs 2011-2012 Fall Applications
Mevhibe Ateş Graduate Essay Competition
Sabri Sayarı has been invited to serve on GLODEM
2010 FASS Teaching Awards
Selin Türkeş and Arzu Kıbrıs presented their work at the RECON Workshop
Ayşe Kadıoğlu has been appointed as a member of Group of Eminent Persons
FASS Graduate Programs Orientation, September 21st
Conference Travel Grants from FASS for FASS graduate students
Political Science PHD student Ipek Demirsu 's conference participation
POLS PhD student Aybars Görgülü is in Turkey-Armenia Manual
POLS PhD student Aylin Aydın wins TUBİTAK Grant for Research Abroad
Nota Bene Call For Papers
FASS Graduate Admissions - Exam Schedule
POLS PhD students A.Ezgi Gürcan & Selin Merzuka Türkeş's participation
POLS Phd. student Cerem I. Cenker's conference participation
POLS PhD student Eda Kuşku's article published in Caucasian Rev.of Int
POLS PhD student Aybars Görgülü's paper will be published Journal of ...
POLS faculty & students were in Midwest Pol. Sci. Assoc. Annual Conf.
Sabri Sayarı has been invited to serve on Editorial Board of SESP
POLS Ph.D. student Aybars Görgülü's conference participation
2010-2011 Fall FASS Graduate Program Applications
Political Science Ph.D. student Aylin Aydin will present her article...
Political Science Ph.D. student Arzu Kıbrıs will present her article...
Oxford-Sabancı Conference: Turkey's Foreign Policy in a Changing World
2010-2011 Graduate Early Admissions - Exam and Interview Schedule
Conference Travel Grants from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS PhD student Salih Bayram's article published in Turkish Studies
Faculty Position in Social Cognitive Psychology
2010 - 2011 Fall FASS Graduate Program Early Applications
Ersin Kalaycioglu is on NTV today
Siyasi ve Ekonomik Boyutlarıyla Amerika'daki Durgunluk / Economics and Politics of the Recession in the United States
Siyasi ve Ekonomik Boyutlarıyla Amerika'da Kriz / Economics and Politics of the Recession in the United States
FASS Graduate Orientation 2009-2010
Meltem Müftüler-Baç appointed as Chair of Standing Group on the EU for the European Consortium of Political Research
FASS new graduates pursuing post graduate degrees
POLS Ph.D. Student Feyzullah Yilmaz's Conference Participation
FASS Graduate Admission Exams Schedule
Political Science PhD student Aybars Görgülü's article is published
2009-2010 Fall FASS Graduate Program Applications
Political Science Ph.D. student Arzu Kıbrıs's conference participation
Research Grant for our faculty member Bahri Yılmaz
POLS PhD student Hasret Dikici Bilgin's book chapter is published
SPS 102 TAs
Conference Travel Grants from FASS
Ahmet Evin- Senior Fellow of the Transatlantic Academy
Information on LAW 310 for students who may want to add the course
FASS - Graduate Programs Orientation (September 15,2008)
Jean Monnet Grant to Meltem Müftüler Baç
POLS MA student Deniz Yetkin is attending 2nd ECPR Graduate Conference
Our New Graduates Pursuing Post Graduate Degrees
POLS Ph.D student Aybars Görgülü’s book has been published by TESEV
FASS students visited Germany as invitees of the Darmstadt Univ
POLS doctoral student Hasret Dikici Bilgin's conference participation
Postdoctoral Researcher Position at Sabancı University
Comparative Politics/ International Relations Faculty Position
FASS Orientation for New Graduate Students, September 18th
2007-2008 Graduate Applications completed.
May 12th, 2007 Open Day for Graduate Students
FASS 2007-2008 Fall Graduate Program Applications
FASS Faculty Member Hasan Bülent Kahraman's success
Fulbright Awards for FASS students
Turkiye'de Siyasetin Yeni Yuzu
Important message for SPS102 Final Exam proctors
SPS Lecture Series: “(Mis)understanding the Balkans"
"A Career in Brussels" Ozge Iskit formerly from the EU Commission
Sule Toktas talks on non-Muslims in the making of Turkish Nationhood
Rosita Dellios will speak on China as a new global power
Alper Kaliber speaks on a new paradigm of modernity