Sabancı Üniversitesi



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2024 - 2025
  • Thesis / Masters' Projects Supervision
    Kılıç, Yüksel, Assessing the role of military leaders’ attributes in military effectiveness, Müftüler-Baç, Meltem, 2024.
    Taştan, Sinem, Varieties of energy transition: how do interest Groups impact the decision-making mechanism in Democracies?, Müftüler-Baç, Meltem, 2024.
    Şamlı, Ahmed Oğuzalp, An actor-based approach to pre-electoral Coalition making, Yeğen, Oya, 2024.
    Bodrumlu, Mahmutcan, The role of bureaucratic purges in shaping public Service provision, Adıgüzel, Fatih Serkant, 2024.
    Şen, Alperen, President on honeymoon: affective polarization, Media consumption, and elections, Adıgüzel, Fatih Serkant, 2024.
    Kocabaş, Ersagun, Essays on the effects of united nations peacekeeping particıpation on civil-military Relations in troop-contributing countries, Aydın Düzgit, Senem, 2024.
    Erdem, Asım, German impact on Turkish political thought: Babanzade İsmail Hakkı's Hukuk-ı Esasiye, Kurtulmuş, Faik, 2024.