Conference Travel
Grants from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is pleased to announce that
a limited number of Conference Travel Grants will be available until December
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will support the
professional development of graduate students by providing a limited
number of competitive Conference Travel Grants to both master's and
doctoral students in good academic standing.
The Conference Travel Grants provide full or partial support for
travel and related costs (lodging and registration fees) for a meeting
or conference in the applicant's field of specialization. Students who
have received an official invitation to participate in a conference and
presenting a paper are eligible to apply for grants.
Only one conference travel grant will be awarded per year.
Support is provided only for travel to professional conferences; other forms of travel cannot be supported under this program.
The number of awards will depend on the availability of funds.
All expenses must be supported by ORIGINAL receipts taken for Sabancı University name.
Sabancı University
Tuzla V.D.
Applicants are required to seek additional funding from appropriate sources.
The applications should be submitted to the FASS Dean's Office by 5
p.m. on one of the following dates: October 31,
Applications must include the following materials:
• Completed application form
• Some official notice of the conference (e.g., the URL of the
conference website) and official evidence that the applicant has been
invited to participate (e.g., a letter of invitation or a page from a
website that includes the student's name as a participant).
• An abstract of the paper to be presented
• A brief statement, no longer than one page, explaining the student's academic interest in attending the conference.
• An outline of the student's travel plans and a travel budget
(plane/train/bus costs, logging expenses and registration fees).
• One letter of recommendation from a faculty member,
preferably the student's thesis advisor. This letter should be no
longer than one page and should explain the academic relevance of the
conference to the student's degree objective.
• Brief Resume
Completed applications received by each deadline will be reviewed
by a committee. Awards will be announced approximately 4 weeks after
the application deadline.
During each award cycle, approximately one-third of the total
funds will be available for award. After each deadline, the committee
will rank applications on the basis of perceived academic merit and the
strength of the faculty letter of recommendation.
Submit your completed application form and supporting documents to:
Ms. Inci Ceydeli
FASS Administrative Affairs Manager
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Telf: 0216/ 883 9232