Sponsored ongoing and completed projects of Faculty Members.
Ahmet Evin
The Black Sea Region and Energy Security, German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
Turkey-EU Civil Society Dialogue, Funding: European Commission, December 2006 - present
Turkey's EU Membership Observatory, January 2004 – present
Arzu Kıbrıs
Exposure to Political Violence and Individual Behavior, funding: European Union, 2015-2020
Ates Altinordu, Cagla Aydin, Faik Kurtulmus
Science and Religion: Religiosity of Scientists in Turkey, SU Internal Research Grant, 2012
Ayse Betul Celik
Youtube #senkimsin Social Awareness Project, 2016
Women’s Understanding of the Gendered Aspects of Conflict and Peace Process: From “Victimhood” to “Agency", Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Chrest Foundation, 2015
Gendered Approach to Peace Process and Reconciliation, funding: TÜBİTAK 2219, 2014
Imagining Peace: Perceptions of Women Members of Parliament on the Kurdish Question in Turkey, International Peace Research Foundation, 2011-2012
Sustainable Peace Building, European Union 7. Framework Program Marie Curie ITN, 2010-2014
Return of the Internally Displaced Kurds and Reconstruction of the Post-Conflict Zones” Migration Research Center at Koc University (MiReKoc), January 2006-2008
Ayse Kadioglu
An Analysis of Citizenship Perceptions in Istanbul on the Basis of Political Party Orientations, funding: TÜBİTAK 3001, 2016 - 2017
Brooke Luetgert
A Comparative Perspective on Parliamentary Legislative Activity and Bureaucratic Delegation (CPAD), Marie Curie Reintegration Grant, 2011-2013
Brooke Luetgert, Emre Hatipoglu, Yucel Saygın
Identifying Policy Opinion Shapers and Trends in Turkey, SU Internal Research Grant, 2012
Bülent Aras
Asia Project, funding: Sasakawa Peace Foundation, 2015
Project on the Middle East And Arab Spring, funding: Qatar Diplomatic Academy, 2014
Türkiye'nin Barış İnşası ve Sivil Kapasite, funding: Dışişleri Bakanlığı, 2014
Emre Hatipoğlu
CONFTEXT: Automated Textual Recognition and Classification of International Conflict Events, funding: European Union, January 2013
Ersin Kalaycioglu
Uluslararası Sosyal Saha Çalışmaları Programı - 2017 (Social Networks) Toplusal Ağlar 2018 (Dindarlık) Ortak Saha Taraması, 2019
Social and Political Preferences: Voting Behavior, SU Internal Research Grant, 2015
International Social Survey Program; Family, Work, and Gender Roles (2012), Nationalism (2013), Citizenship (2014), TÜBİTAK Participation Program for International Projects 1011, 2012-2014
International Social Survey Program - ISSP: 2008 "Religosity", 2009 “Social Inequality”, 2010 “Environment”, TÜBİTAK Participation Program for International Projects 1011
Faik Kurtulmuş
Epistemic Justice: The Production and Distribution of Knowledge as a Matter of Justice, TÜBİTAK Young Researchers Career Development Program, 2012-2015
Fuat Keyman
Sustainable Urban Policies: The City-Regions in Turkey in terms of Quality of Life
Making Peace Process Sustainable: The Social Acceptance of The Peace Process In The Post-Conflict Period, TÜBİTAK 1001, 2017 - 2019
Isik Ozel
Europeanization beyond Europe: European Neighborhood Policy and Regulatory Reforms, funding: TÜBİTAK 2219, September 2015
Regulation in Economic Governance, TUBITAK 1002, September 2009- present
Korel Goymen
Pendik Local Development Project, Municipality of Pendik, January 2008.
Tufanbeyli Socio-economic Development Project, EnerjiSA, June 2008.
Canakkale Kent Eylem Plani Projesi, Municipality of Canakkale and Canakkale Yerel Gundem 21
Meltem Muftuler Bac
InDivEU: Integrating Diversity in the European Union, funding: Horizon 2020, 2019-2021
MAGYC: Migration Governance and Asylum Crisis, funding: Horizon 2020, 2018- 2022
VIADUCT - Enhancing VIsibility of the Academic DialogUe on EU-Turkey CooperaTion, funding: European Union Erasmus Plus Program, 2017-2020
Assessing Interdependence between the European Union and Turkey: Policies and Cooperation in Regional and Global Governance, funding: TÜBİTAK, 2015-2017
MAXCAP: Maximizing Europe’s Integration Capacity: Lessons and Prospects for Enlargement, European Commission’s FP7 SSH Cooperation Program, 2012
TRANSWORLD: Redefining the Transatlantic Relationship and Its Role in Shaping Global Governance, European Commission’s FP7 SSH Cooperation Program, 2011
LISBOAN: Linking Interdisciplinary Integration Studies by Broadening the European Network, European Commission, 2010
Pols 592- The European Union: Politics, policies and governance, Jean Monnet project European module, European Commission, 2008-2013
RECON: Reconstituting Democracy, Framework 6 RECON project, European Commission, 2006-2011
Jean Monnet project Chair ad personam, European Commission, 2004-2009
Unboxing the Turkish society, European Union research Budget A3022, European Commission, 2002-2003
Ozge Kemahlioglu
Partisan Ties that Matter? Exploring the Advantages of National Incumbency For Local Governments, Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants, September 2010- 2013
Senem Aydın-Düzgit
EU Integration and Differentiation for Effectiveness and Accountability, funding: EU IDEA, 2019-2021
VIADUCT - Enhancing VIsibility of the Academic DialogUe on EU-Turkey CooperaTion, funding: European Union Erasmus Plus Program, 2017-2020
The Future of EU-Turkey Relations Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios (FEUTURE), H2020 Societal Challengers, 2016 - 2019