Sabancı Üniversitesi


Ahmet Evin

(216) 483 9230
Kişisel Web
Emeritus Öğretim Üyesi

İngiliz Edebiyatı ve Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Lisansı, Columbia Üniversitesi (ABD), 1966; Orta Doğu Etüdleri ve Kültür Tarihi Doktorası, Columbia Üniversitesi (ABD), 1973.

Araştırma Alanları
Türkiye politikası ve karşılaştırmalı siyaset; devlet kuramları; Avrupa Birliği (AB) oluşumu ve genişleme süreci.
  • Makaleler
    Evin, Ahmet (2009) "Turkish foreign policy: limits of engagement", New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.40, 225-232 (SSCI)
    Evin, Ahmet (2005) "The Future of Greek-Turkish relations", Journal of Southeast European & Black Sea Studies, Vol.5, No.3, 395-404 (NA)
    Evin, Ahmet (2004) "Changing Greek perspectives on Turkey: an assessment of the post-earthquake rapprochement", Turkish Studies, Vol.5, No.1, 4-20 (NA)
  • Kitaplar
    Turkey and the EU: energy, transport and competition policies, Evin, Ahmet and Hatipoğlu, Emre and Balazs, Peter (eds.), Netherlands: Claeys & Casteels Publishing, June 2016
    Turkey and the European Union: strategic partners and competitors, Balazs, Peter and Evin, Ahmet (eds.), Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Limited Liability Company, June 2015
    Linden, Ronald H. and Evin, Ahmet and Kirişci, Kemal and Straubhaar, Thomas and Tocci, Nathalie and Tolay, Juliette and Walker, Joshua W., Turkey and its neighbors: foreign relations in transition, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers 2012
    Evin, Ahmet and Kirişci, Kemal and Linden, Ronald H. and Straubhaar, Thomas and Tocci, Nathalie and Tolay, Juliette and Walker, Joshua W., Getting to zero: Turkey, its neighbors and the west, Washington D.C.: Transatlantic Academy 2010
    Evin, Ahmet, Türk romanının kökenleri ve gelişimi, (Translated by: Akınhay, Osman), İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı, October 2004
    Towards accession negotiations, Turkey's domestic and foreign policy challenges ahead, proceedings from the third annual EU-Turkey, Siena, 20-21 October, 2003, Tocci, Nathalie and Evin, Ahmet (eds.), Florence: European University Institute, July 2003
  • Kitap Bölümleri
    Evin, Ahmet, "European origins of Turkish nationalism", Navigating troubled waters, Miszlivetz, Ferenc and Pok, Attila (eds.), Hungary: iASK, August 2020, 168-186
    Evin, Ahmet, "Opening remarks", Targeting the De-Materialsed "Caliphate": Extremism, Radicalization and Illegal Trafficking, Politi, Alessandro (ed.), Rome: NATO Defense College, August 2019, 21-24
    Evin, Ahmet, "Turkey's energy policy and the EU's energy demand", Turkey and the EU: Energy, Transport and Competition Policies, Evin, Ahmet and Hatipoğlu, Emre and Balazs, Peter (eds.), Deventer (Netherlands) - Leuven (Belgium): Claeys and Casteels, June 2016, 75-92
    Evin, Ahmet, "Turkey: factor and dilemma", Western Balkans: The Future of Integration, Rome: NATO Defense College Foundation 2014, 127-132
    Evin, Ahmet, "Turkey's political turmoil and its transatlantic implications", The State of the Transatlantic World 2014, Szabo, Stephen F. (ed.), Washington D.C.: Transatlantic Academy 2014, 58-61
    Evin, Ahmet and Hatipoğlu, Emre, "Convergence or divergence: EU and Turkish foreign policy over the last decade", A European Union with 36 Members? Perspectives and Risks, Balazs, Peter (ed.), Budapest, Hungary: Center for EU Enlargement Studies 2014, 185-198
    Evin, Ahmet, "Energy and Turkey's neighborhood: Post-Soviet transformation and transatlantic interests", Turkey and Its Neighbors: Foreign Relations in Transition, Linden, Ronald H. and Evin, Ahmet and Kirişci, Kemal and Straubhaar, Thomas and Tocci, Nathalie and Tolay, Juliette and Walker, Joshua W. (eds.), Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers 2012, 89-118
    Linden, Ronald H. and Evin, Ahmet and Tocci, Nathalie and Straubhaar, Thomas and Walker, Joshua W. and Tolay, Juliette and Kirişci, Kemal, "Turkey and its neighborhood: past, present, and future", Turkey and Its Neighbors: Foreign Relations in Transition, Linden, Ronald H. and Evin, Ahmet and Kirişci, Kemal and Straubhaar, Thomas and Tocci, Nathalie and Tolay, Juliette and Walker, Joshua W. (eds.), Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers 2012, 219-226
    Onar Fisher, Nora and Evin, Ahmet, "Convergence and resistance: the European dilemma of Turkish intellectuals", European Stories: Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts, Lacroix, Justine and Nicolaïdis, Kalypso (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011, 294-314
    Evin, Ahmet, "Turkey and the European Union: paradigms and paradoxes", Aspekte der Globalisierung: Staatsmonopole für Spiel und Wette - Staatliche Beihilfen - Web 2.0, Baudenbacher, Carl and Busek, Erhard (eds.), Vienna: Verlag Österreich, October 2008, 177-202
    Evin, Ahmet, "Orhan Pamuk: Türk roman geleneğinde yeni açılım", Orhan Pamuk Edebiyatı Sempozyum Tutanakları: Sabancı Üniversitesi Tuzla yerleşkesi, 19-20 Aralık 2006, Aral, Fahri (ed.), İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı, June 2007, 1-12
    Evin, Ahmet and Baudenbacher, Karl, "Europe and the challenge of Islam", Europa und Die Globalisierung VI: Islam, Medien, Migration, Gentechnik, Baudenbacher, Carl and Busek, Erhard (eds.), Wien: Verlag Österreich, October 2006, 103-113
    Evin, Ahmet, "From Özal to the present day", The EU & Turkey: A Glittering prize or a millstone?, Lake, Michael (ed.), London: Federal Trust for Education and Research, March 2005, 29-48
    Evin, Ahmet, "Turkey and the Middle East: antecedents and prospects", Towards Accession Negotiations, Turkey's Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges Ahead, Proceedings From The Third Annual EU-Turkey, Siena, 20-21 October, 2003, Tocci, Nathalie and Evin, Ahmet (eds.), Florence, Italy: European University Institute, October 2003, 127-135
  • Konferans Bildirileri
    Evin, Ahmet, "The strategic links between the Balkans, Russia and the Mediterranean", Minuto-Rizzo, Alessandro (ed.), Balkan Perspectives 2020, Rome: Nato Defece College Foundation, June 2021
    Evin, Ahmet, "Turkey's accession negotiations four years on", Preparation for EU Accession Summer Seminars 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria: Economic Policy Institute 2010, 62-77
    Evin, Ahmet, "Turkey's experience on the way to EU integration", Summer Seminars for Public Servants: Preparation for EU Accession, Sofia, Bulgaria: Economic Policy Institute, December 2006, 48-56
    Evin, Ahmet, "Tanzimat sonrası Türk edebiyatı'nda birey ve toplum", Aktaş Yasa, Aziz (ed.), V. Türk Kültürü Kongresi, Ankara: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, June 2005, 67-75
  • Editörlügü Yapilan Kitaplar / Özel Nüshalar
    Evin, Ahmet, Turkey-EU Civil society Dialogue: Turkey-EU Observatory Conferences, Istanbul, Turkey: IPC (Istanbul Policy Center), January 2008
    Holod, Renata and Evin, Ahmet and Özkan, Suha, Modern Turkish architecture, Ankara: Chamber of Architects of Turkey Publications, May 2005
  • Working Paper / Technical Report
    Evin, Ahmet and Gisclon, Megan Elizabeth, "The sliding west: populism and religion as challanges to the liberal order", July 2016
    Evin, Ahmet, "Europe: enlargement vs. decline", September 2006, Sabancı University ID:SU_FASS_2006/0002
    Evin, Ahmet, "Risk mitigation: conditions and prospects for Turkey's potential role" 2006, Sabancı University ID:SU_FASS_2006/0005